Monday, 28 September 2009

Sunday, 27 September 2009

So then....

Since the last time I posted (over three months ago!), quite a lot has been going on..

The house move has gone brilliantly, work has been continuing at exactly the same pace, only with work on the weekends becoming more and more common, my age has increased by a year and I'm unbelievably close to my annual holiday...

Tokyo last year was an amazing experience, and exploring L.A. (and Vegas as well...) should be equally as compelling.. Not only was it an amazing trip, but it ended up changing the base of my folio, and I think the U.S. will be more of the same...

I'll post some recent bits up here soon, as well...

Saturday, 20 June 2009


Fabulous piece in The Guardian today by Paul Schrader discussing narrative and posing the question 'Have videogames and reality TV given us narrative exhaustion?'. For those of you who don't know the name, Schrader is a writer of some of the most iconic films of the 20th century, such as Taxi Driver, American Giggolo and Raging Bull.

Reading it got me to think that the same points are relevant to photography - that the average viewer has seen so much visual material that they already have 'boxes' in their mind to place it into and the value of originality, as well as "Write for formats based on predictability and repetition (soap operas, crime procedurals, superhero cartoons), repackage old plots with new stars and search for that elusive "original" twist that makes an old storyline fresh".

Sound familiar?

The full story can be found here.

Friday, 19 June 2009

Poor Form...

... from me of late when it comes to posting up here.

I've been manically busy at work, am about to move house, and at the current rate, it looks like I won't have a true day off for another three weeks...

On the flip side though, I have finally gotten around to joining the Tate and National Portrait Gallery, so expect the occasional critique of their shows from me...

Monday, 23 March 2009

Car Shots

Some car shots from the other day....

Thursday, 12 March 2009

St Paul's

Shot in St Paul's the other night whilst toying with a Fuji S5... For those who are interested the camera reminds me of a digital back in terms of how far you can push colour corrections and exposure....

Don't you just hate it...

..... When Apple Mac's die on you. I think my Powerbook has finally gone to the big laptop bag in the sky.

Monday, 2 March 2009

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

More Tokyo....

Thoughts on these? Please comment or email me (tom(at)tomhartford(dot)co(dot)uk)

Friday, 30 January 2009


I'm sorry that this has been a long time coming, but here's the first post of 2009... My blog is something that has suffered a lot lately - I've been really busy with work, playing tennis, getting hangover, and having unscheduled trips to A&E caused by Football...

I'm shooting my first test of the year this weekend, as well as finally trying to get my website updated (something I didn't get hcance to do at Christmas, although I did get chance to do my Portfolios, to the delight of Epson and Hanehmuhle shareholders everywhere...).

Anyway, enough of the ramblings, Happy New Year to you all.